How Often Do I Need to Have My Well Water Tested?

June 11, 2021

When you live in a city and turn on the faucet, you can normally rest easy knowing that water is clean and safe to drink. Every public water system is required to follow standards set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). But those same guidelines that protect public water systems don’t apply to private wells.

Those who live in a rural area or get their water from a well must perform their own well water testing in Wewahitchka, FL to ensure their water is safe to use. The EPA recommends performing testing at least once a year to guarantee the water is safe and to ensure that the well doesn’t have any problems that need to be fixed.

What should I be testing for?

The EPA advises testing annually for coliform bacteria, nitrate levels, total dissolved solids and the pH level. It’s also not a bad idea to test for radon or arsenic, which can occur naturally in soil and bedrock.

What factors affect my testing schedule?

Getting a well water test in Wewahitchka, FL once a year is fine in most cases, but if any of the following scenarios apply to you or your property, it’s time to have your water tested once again:

  • Strange appearance or taste: By now, you should know how your well water looks, tastes and smells. If there are any changes in appearance or taste, or if any strange odors arise, then there’s clearly something amiss. Stop drinking your water right away, and get it tested for harmful contaminants. Waiting around to have it tested could result in some serious illnesses.
  • Environmental changes: Floods, earthquakes, nearby chemical spills, septic tank malfunctions or anything else that disturbs the environment may also affect your well water. If there are any problems nearby, we recommend hiring someone for well water testing in Wewahitchka, FL. The tests will determine what contaminants are in your water and whether your well is safe to use.
  • New construction: New construction projects can also cause disturbances in your well water. If any new buildings or homes are being built nearby or if you’re performing extensive yardwork requiring heavy-duty machinery, we recommend getting your well water tested once more. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Ongoing illnesses: Several types of bacteria can cause serious illnesses, especially in older family members. If anyone has been feeling sick for extended periods, it’s not a bad idea to get the water tested again for excessive levels of disease-causing bacteria. While waiting for tests to return, be sure to drink bottled water just to be safe.

Poor well water test results? Talk to our team!

Unfortunately, not every well water test in Wewahitchka, FL yields great results. That’s where Action Electric Motor & Pump Repair can help. We have the ability to repair your well if it’s been damaged and even dig a new one if necessary. We also sell and install water conditioning systems that ensure your water is safe to drink.

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