What Should You Consider Before Drilling A Water Well?

February 21, 2023

Before drilling a well, there are many things that you need to consider. Some are more important than others, but every step can help ensure that you get the best results possible. 

Site Location 

Choosing the right site location for drilling your water well is an important part of getting the most out of your investment. It influences everything from groundwater quality to how much water is produced. Using clues from the landscape, leaning on local knowledge, and requesting guidance from an experienced well-driller will help you choose the best location for your new water well. You will also need to consider your land’s topography, soil type, and drainage patterns. Portions of your property that are prone to flooding or poor drainage should be avoided. In addition, a well should be located up-gradient from contamination sources, such as septic tanks, landfills, and latrines. These sources may discharge chemicals and other pollutants into groundwater and soil. 


The geology of an area changes through time as rock units are deposited, inserted, or deformed. This can be done by deposition of sediments onto the Earth’s surface, or intrusion of igneous material such as lava flows into the overlying rock. If you’re going to drill a water well, it is essential to do your research about the local geology. This will help you find the perfect drilling location and ensure you don’t end up with an earthquake or other problems. 

Science And Research 

When it comes to a water well, science is an important part of the process. It helps determine if your property will be suitable for drilling and if you can safely drill into the ground without causing any damage to the surrounding area. The first step in determining if you can drill a water well is to determine the location of the water table. This can be done by looking at surface water puddles, lakes, swamps, seeps and springs to determine whether or not there is groundwater below. This information can be obtained through your state’s geological survey or from your state water-master. These records will also tell you if any previous wells have been drilled on your property and the depth of the wells. 


When you are planning to drill your own well, it is important to consider the type of equipment you will need. This includes a compressor, drilling tools, and PVC pipe that will form the permanent well tube. It is also crucial to know if any septic systems are nearby, as you will need to be at least 50 feet away from them. Septic tanks and septic fields can be very harmful to your well, as they will contaminate the water. 


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