If your household relies on a private well for all your water needs, it is imperative that you check in on how it’s doing on a regular basis. That way, you can catch any potential issues before they become serious, and call an expert in to give you top notch water well service and repair in Columbia, TN. When it comes to your well, here are three red flags to be on the lookout for to determine whether you need professional assistance. There’s no water This is an obvious indication of a problem. Wells should have water, and if yours... View Article
If your water well pump is no longer serviceable and you need to have a new one installed, it is important to make sure you find the right one. An incorrectly matched pump will only last a short time, and you will be right back where you started, seeking well pump repair in Columbia, TN. Here are a few factors to pay attention to when selecting a replacement pump to make sure it will last. Know your well depth The depth of your well will be one of the most important factors to consider when determining which pump is best.... View Article
The foundation of a structure is critical to proper operation, and this is no different with the construction of water wells. If the workmanship is substandard from the outset, you will find yourself quickly needing water well service and repair in Columbia, TN. The importance of a properly constructed well If your private water well has any physical deficiencies, your entire water system could be compromised. If annual sealing and maintenance is ignored and cracks begin to present themselves in the foundation of your well, your water could be exposed to harmful contaminants that could negatively affect the health of... View Article
The majority of the population is on a city water source, hooked up to a shared water pipe system. But others, like folks living in rural areas or in older towns, use private wells situated on their private property. To ensure your well remains free of problems, and to avoid the need for costly well pump repair in Columbia, TN, remember the following tips: Be on the lookout for contamination: For those who live on a property with a private well, cross-contamination of dangerous chemicals and solutions is a real threat. Water sources inside your home use the same well... View Article
If your newly purchased property has a private well on it, then make sure you maintain it and schedule water well service and repair in Columbia, TN when needed. With that in mind, here are five things you should inspect or pay attention to. Get an inspection if you can’t find records First, whether or not there are records showing regular water well inspections and maintenance, new homeowners should call in the professionals to thoroughly check their private well. This is also a good time to find out the age of your well so you can decide if a new... View Article