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Tips on Preventing Your Well from Freezing

September 23, 2020

Winter weather will be here before we know it, and that means it’s time to start preparing your home for the freezing temperatures. One of the biggest worries homeowners often have during the winter months is having their well freeze and losing access to running water in Columbia, TN. With this in mind, one of the top questions we get is, “Can you prevent your well from freezing?” Luckily, you can if you follow the tips below: Insulate the pipes: Since the well pump is located below ground, it’s typically safe from freezing temperatures. Your pipes, however, are not. To... View Article

Most Common Issues with Electric Motors

September 7, 2020

Countless industries throughout Tennessee rely on high-functioning electric motors to keep their businesses running smoothly. As a result, electrical motor failures in Columbia, TN can prove catastrophic for any business. After all, lost production means lost capital. As a savvy business owner, you need to know what’s wrong when your electric motor breaks down. With that in mind, here are some of the most common causes of electrical motor failure. Harmonic distortion It may sound complicated, but the root cause of harmonic distortion is simple: any extra voltage supplied to your motor that isn’t used to move the motor itself... View Article

Does Your Water Well House Need to Be Secured?

August 24, 2020

Across the United States, more than 13 million homeowners get their drinking, bathing and cooking water from private wells. As critical as these wells are, their primary function hasn’t changed much in the last hundred years. A water well is essentially a hole drilled deep into the ground until it hits an aquifer hundreds of feet below. From there, the water is pumped from the ground and into your home. While there are steps that modern well diggers can take to make sure your well is functioning properly, your well water is still at risk from natural contaminants and outside... View Article

How Is Well Water Heated?

August 10, 2020

One of the common questions we receive from our clients is, “How is well water heated?” The simple answer here is that it’s heated in the same way as municipal water—it comes into your home and passes through your water heater before getting sent to the tap you’ve opened up. The water does not get heated within the well itself—any water that gets pulled from the well will be cool before it gets heated up in your water heater. How do water heaters work? The better question, then, is not to ask how to heat well water in Columbia, TN,... View Article

What Does Water Well Repair Typically Involve?

July 27, 2020

If your home relies on well water, it is important to understand the issues that can arise with your well and the steps you’ll need to take to get it back in working order. You might not have any water at all coming from your well, or you may have issues with constantly-running pumps or water pressure that goes up and down. Before you call out a professional, you may be able to try some simple fixes yourself. Here are a few examples of some of the simple well water repair checks and steps you can take in Columbia, TN... View Article